If you want to create any reminder in excel, then you can follow the vba code
Step1: define worksheet
Step 2: write code for Listbox headers
Step 3: describe a variable so that it can find every cell value
Step 4: now format the cells value into date and put a condition, if cell value is equal to today's date then add item into Listbox 1 from that row which you want to show in Listbox 1. Data will add in first column of Listbox 1.
Me.ListBox1.AddItem sh.Cells(i, 1) ' this is for Column No1, i.e Col A
Now add item on Listbox1's another column by
Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = sh.Cells(i, 5) 'for col no5 i.e col E
And so on. Listbox 1 will populate data as per current date.
Now we will discuss with Listbox 2 where we populate data for next 7 days. And We will set this userform while we open the file.
At the same way we develop the Listbox 2 and just we will change the condition for Listbox 2.
Listbox 1 has been populate as per below condition
If Format(sh.Cells(i, 5), "dd-mmm") = Format(Date, "dd-mmm") Then
And we will change it to
If Format(sh.Cells(x, 5), "dd-mmm") <= Format(Date + 7, "dd-mmm") And Format(sh.Cells(x, 5), "dd-mmm") > Format(Date, "dd-mmm") Then
That is date will capture greater than today and less than or equal to next 7 days.
I hope this tutorial will help you to understand the base idea about this module.
Thank you.
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'define worksheet in which worksheet you want to work
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1")
'Listbox Headers
Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Student Name"
Me.ListBox1.List(0, 1) = "Date of Birth"
Me.ListBox1.List(0, 2) = "Phone No."
Me.ListBox1.List(0, 3) = "Class"
'To Select ListBox Headers
Me.ListBox1.Selected(0) = True
'Populate listBox under this condition
Dim i As Long
For i = 4 To sh.Range("A100000").End(xlUp).Row
If Format(sh.Cells(i, 5), "dd-mmm") = Format(Date, "dd-mmm") Then
Me.ListBox1.AddItem sh.Cells(i, 1) ' this is for Column No1, i.e Col A
Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = sh.Cells(i, 5) 'for col no5 i.e col E
Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 2) = sh.Cells(i, 6) 'for col no6 i.e col F
Me.ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 3) = sh.Cells(i, 9) 'for col no9 i.e col I
End If
Next i
' Now for ListBox2
Me.ListBox2.AddItem "Student Name"
Me.ListBox2.List(0, 1) = "Date of Birth"
Me.ListBox2.List(0, 2) = "Phone No."
Me.ListBox2.List(0, 3) = "Class"
'To Select ListBox Headers
Me.ListBox2.Selected(0) = True
'Populate listBox under this condition
Dim x As Long
For x = 4 To sh.Range("A100000").End(xlUp).Row
If Format(sh.Cells(x, 5), "dd-mmm") <= Format(Date + 7, "dd-mmm") And Format(sh.Cells(x, 5), "dd-mmm") > Format(Date, "dd-mmm") Then
Me.ListBox2.AddItem sh.Cells(x, 1) ' this is for Column No1, i.e Col A
Me.ListBox2.List(ListBox2.ListCount - 1, 1) = sh.Cells(x, 5) 'for col no5 i.e col E
Me.ListBox2.List(ListBox2.ListCount - 1, 2) = sh.Cells(x, 6) 'for col no6 i.e col F
Me.ListBox2.List(ListBox2.ListCount - 1, 3) = sh.Cells(x, 9) 'for col no9 i.e col I
End If
Next x
End Sub
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