If Function in Excel

 If function is most usefull function in excel.

We will discuss uses of If function......

Case I :  If function is one of the logical function, it returns one value If condition is true and

 another is if condition is false.

For Example.. IF(A2>60,"Good","Bad")

here if the value of the cell A2 is greater than 60 then it will return Good because condition is true and if  the value of the cell A2 is not greater than 60 then it will return Bad.

i.e IF([put a condition],[if true],[if false])

Case II : How to Handle error in IF function

if you get an error as a result then You can use IFERROR function. I will use IFERROR function that is If it return error I want the value blank

so that IFERROR(IF(A2>60,"Good","Bad"),"")

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