Check if Multiple Cell Empty in a Range Excel VBA


If You want to check blank cell or empty cell in particular range through excel vba. You can check out this vba code. You can find out how many cells are empty in the range

Sub vba_check_empty_cells()

Dim i As Long 

Dim c As Long 

Dim myRange As Range 

Dim myCell As Range 

' now set your range from where you want to find out empty cell

Set myRange = Range("A1:A10") 

' now use loop function to find out cell value

For Each myCell In myRange 

c = c + 1 

If IsEmpty(myCell) Then 

i = i + 1 

End If 

Next myCell

 MsgBox  "There are total " & i & " empty cell(s) out of " & c & "." 

End Sub 

If you want to check only empty cell, not the number of empty cell and If You want to stop to run the vba code while there are empty cell exist, then use below code...

Sub vba_check_empty_cells()

Dim myRange As Range 

Dim myCell As Range 

' now set your range from where you want to find out empty cell

Set myRange = Range("A1:A10") 

' now use loop function to find out cell value

For Each myCell In myRange 

If IsEmpty(myCell) Then 

MsgBox "You should fill all the cell from Range(A1:A10)"

Exit Sub

End If 

Next myCell

End Sub 

If You want to check blank cell for Table's Columns or through name range. Here create your range through name range first. Here I already created the range as myRange. First select the range and goto  Formulas Tab >> Name Manager >> New >> type name >> Ok   and then write the below vba code.

Dim c As Range

    For Each c In Range("myRange")

        If c.Value = "" Then

            MsgBox "Please Fill all the cells"

        Exit Sub

        End If

    Next c

If You want to check the cells for a table column then you can follow the below codes..

If IsEmpty(Range("ItemNames")) Then
If IsEmpty(Me.ListObjects("Table3").ListColumns(2)) Then
MsgBox "Please Fill Product Name"
Exit Sub
End If

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